"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." Sir Richard Steele

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Interview with Author Deborah Jaeger

I am very pleased and privileged to have as my guest today, Deborah Jaeger. Debbie and I met on Facebook after she asked me to read and review her book. My review can be found in an earlier post and can be found in the archives if you are interested in checking it out. Now, without further delay, I will introduce you to Debbie.

BIO: I was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, the fifth of six children and the consummate drama queen! My husband and I moved to the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee in 1988, where we have lived happily for twenty-two years. The mother of four beautiful and intelligent grown children. I am also the proud grandmother of four equally beautiful and astounding little ones.

My husband is a staunch supporter of my writing obsession and is willing to put up with my unending chatter and thought process regarding the characters in whichever chapter I am working on. They become so real to me!

After a long day in front of the computer, we enjoy relaxing on the patio, walking, or just spending time together. Writing is, by necessity, such a solitary occupation! Jackson and Josie, the family pets, snooze next to my desk while I write. Jackson snores, but I have come to look upon that as background music and I miss it when he occasionally wanders into the next room.

I am working on my next book and looking forward to sharing more details as it progresses.

1- For those who are not familiar with your book, Prophecy-the Fulfillment, will you tell us a little about it?  
   The jacket copy probably explains it best:
   A typical teenager, Jillian Macomb, is looking forward to senior high. Or at least she was. Having just broken up with her boyfriend, she receives the stunning and unexpected news that she's pregnant. As if that isn't enough, she must also convince her parents and her doctor that she is still a virgin. Her father's protege, Stephen Jacobs, and she, form an unlikely alliance as each realize that their nighttime apparitions are more than simple dreams, making it clear to them that the child she carries is no ordinary child.
   Then the miracles begin.
   When a geneticist discovers that Jillian's pregnancy holds the key to sudden, inexplicable healings, he will stop at nothing to claim the magnificent discovery as his own. Meanwhile, government officials and representatives from the Catholic Church arrive to investigate the astonishing events, realizing that whoever controls the source of the miracles will become the ultimate world power.
   Face to face with evil, Stephen and Jillian realize that time is runnig out to save her child, and they are driven to escape the forces that covet control of the miraculous life she carries. In the ultimate test of faith, they must decide who they can trust, and whether or not to believe the compelling and terrifying message of the prophecy.

2- How did the book come about and why a Christian focused book?
   I don't honestly know. I started to think about what would happen if a woman were to become pregnant with no physical explantion. So, PROPHECY began with the idea of a virgin birth. I thought perhaps I would write more of a science fiction book, ala Stephen King or Dean Koontz. One evening, Lloyd was gone for the evening and it was just the two dogs and I sitting on the patio. I had a glass of wine and I was dreaming of the prologue....I could see my character, I could picture her, I could feel her fear, her excitement, her confusion. I decided to go in and write. So I did. The prologue was born. The story evolved from there. It took a very different direction from what I had originally planned. Once the story took off in my mind, it became very clear to me that this was something I had carried around inside of me and there was no stopping until the novel was finished.
   It is not a book about religion, and is filled with suspense. It is about people and their reactions to an incredible circumstance, and asks us to question our own beliefs and what really matters to us.

3- Do you have a WIP? If so, can you tell us about it?
   I am working on a second novel. And a smaller project that is dear to my heart. It seems that the beast has been unleashed and I will write for the rest of my life. It's a decision. As far as the new novel, I tend to keep things close to the vest. I don't outline, so many times I am not sure where the story is going until it takes me there.

4- What prompted you to start writing novels and do you do this full time?
   I've always loved to write. I have always been in awe of the power of words. I kept saying that someday I was going to do this, write a novel, but it was an abstract idea. Then one day, the idea for PROPHECY came to me. I kept turning it over and over in my mind... it wouldn't go away. I was at a point in my life that I realized that it was either now or never. It was time to make time to do what I had  always wanted to do. I had to make some difficult business decisions to pave the way. I have always been an 'all in or all out girl.' That and my husband's constant refrain. "Go write your book." He had faith in me long before I did.

5- Do you have plans to write in other genres or do you plan to stay with Christian books?
   That is a tough question because I thought my next novel would be light and easy. In fact I have an idea for a novel that is comedic, and I am itching to try my hand at it. My blog is very much a wry look at everyday real life...things that happen in my family and probably every family. There always seems to ba a moral to the story, but the facts are real. And so often funny. So maybe after the next novel is finished, I will try my hand at something lighter.
   But the novel I am working on now is in the same genre as Prophecy-the Fulfillment. The idea for this novel was put in front of me by the most strange and compelling circustance. So I will go with it. And I will talk about that process when the new novel comes out. I am a firm believer that we are all led. We don't always listen; but we are all led.

6- What has been your greatest challenge with writing to date?
   Staying off Facebook! And the internet! And the e-mail! I find that I am too easily led astray! And I love to answer the questions people send me on the website. I am actually working on a FAQ's page right now.

7- Has any particular author had a special influence on your writing? If so, who and what?
   I love to read. And I love to read new authors.I have a book in front of me every day at lunch time. Always an open book. All genres.
   I am constantly inspired. But the author that pushed me off the cliff and influenced my decision to start writing was ...Paulo Coeho and his best-selling parable "The Alchemist." By the time I finished the introduction to the book, I knew he was talking to me. Life changing! Run fast and read this book!

8- Do you set aside a certain amount of time each day for writing and research?
   I am an early bird. When I am writing, I want to be in the chair by five or five-thirty in the morning. I like to do my business first, emails, and yes, the ever addictive Facebook. Then I have a few blogs I read, or I will write mine. Finally, I read what I have written the day before. I have breakfast and shower, that is when I think about where my characters need to go that day. I write chronologically and logically, so the way you read my novel is the way I wrote it. I do not use any outline because I never know the middle or ending until I get there.

9-What do you do for relaxation and enjoyment?
   I love to read. I love to observe, walk, go for rides. Simple things. I am not a party girl. Writing is so solitary, but I kind of like it. I need it. The tie to myself. To hear myself think.

10- How can readers get in touch with you? (website, blog, FB, twitter etc.)
   I always check my website contact page and the blog comments, and of course Facebook. (Debbie Richardson Jaeger) Please friend me!
   And Prophecy-The Fulfillment has a group page- I hope everyone will push the like button!
   I try to answer questions every morning. I don't think I will ever get tired of that. It amazes me daily that people are interested in 'behind the scenes.' 

I want to thank Debbie for taking the time from her schedule to visit with us today and answer these question about herself. If anyone has any questions for Debbie, please don't hesitate to ask. Just be sure to check back later for a response.


Winner of DEMON SOUL by Christine by Christine Ashworth

Congratulations to our winner of DEMON SOUL by Christine Ashworth. Christine will be in touch with you with your e-book copy shortly. Thank you for stopping by my blog and all of you who stopped by and entered the contest


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Review of Fangs Rule A Girls Guide to being a Vampire

Fangs Rule A Girls Guide to Being a Vampire
Amy Mah (Vampire)
Reardon Publishing 2011
ISBN 1874192480

   This is not your typical vampire story. If you are expecting hunky male vampires, then you are in for a big surprise. You won't find vampires jumping in and out of every bed they pass. You won't find murder and mayhem. What you will find is a teenage vampires journal in which she is trying to set straight all of those not so true stories you read about vampires. Amy is also trying to make you understand what it is like being a teenage girl vampire.
   Amy has written her own A to Z journal of everything you need to know about being a teenage female vampire in a human world. You will get all kinds of great information about everything and anything from fangs, biting, kissing, love, clothing, school, immortality and yes, there is a little about sex. Come on folks. Teens do know about sex whether you want them to or not. This is not an x-rated pornographic book.
   This is a light hearted, funny and sometimes silly account of being a teenage vampire. There are wonderful manga pictures throughout the book which were created by none other then Heby Sim. Layout and design was done by Nicholas Reardon. The book is printed like a teenager's journal so the writing is not your usual type print. It was presented like a teens writing; but I had absolutely no difficulty reading it. Throughout the book are cute little pics of bats, cats, ravens, and snakes. Each numbered page has bats on either side. It definitely adds to the affect of the book.
   I thoroughly enjoyed this light hearted read about vampires. I enjoyed so much; I read it in one sitting. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for something different and do not want heavy reading. I love vampire stories. Even though this was not your usual vampire setting, it was quite enjoyable and there is nothing wrong with this book for a young adult to read it. I venture they see and hear more sex on a television screen.
   I am going to do something that I don't routinely do. I am going to post some pictures from the pages of Amy's book. They only add to the enjoyment of reading it.

Max-Amy's Boyfriend

Amy Mah

Amy's Aunt

Amy and her best friend Ice in the Hot Springs

Well, there you have it. This book would make a great gift for any teenager. Try it. You will like it. I did.

I give Fangs Rule 4 out of 5 stars.


  • Acknowledgement

    I am writing an after thought, so to speak, because I neglected to thank Nicholas Reardon for providing me with a copy of Fangs Rule to read and review. I was not compensated in any way for the review except for the privilege of reading the book and being provided a copy of the book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. 

    Review of The Ice Princess

    The Ice Princess (Patrik Hedstrom, #1)

    The Ice Princess
    Patrik Hedstrom #1
    Camilla Lackberg
    Free Press 3/29/11
    ISBN 9781451621747

       This is the first book in a three part series involving police detective Patrick Hedstrom. This psychological thriller involves Erica Falck, who has returned to her childhood home in the fishing village of Fjallbacka, after the death of her parents. Erica is a successful biographer who is not having much success in her personal life. She is unprepared for what she encounters on her arrival back in her hometown. Her childhood friend is found dead in her home. Her wrists are slashed and she is in a tub full of frozen water.
       Erica teams up with the handsome police detective, Patrick Hedstrom, and the investigation begins to reveal a decades long mystery. During their investigation, flirtation leads to an uncontrollable attraction between the two. They begin to discover secrets that are sometimes best left buried and that someone is more then willing to do anything to keep them buried. Maybe even murder.
       This is my first ever read from this Swedish author. It most definitely will not be my last. This thriller had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. There was so many twists and turns in the storyline that you had no way of knowing where it was going next. Every time a piece of the puzzle was revealed, I was in total shock. It was like following a real police investigation; not knowing where the next clue was going to take you.
       There were so many different characters involved in the storyline; but yet the story just ran smoothly and everything fit in its proper piece of the puzzle. Patrick was such an endearing character that you just had to fall in love with him. I truly was not fond of Erica; but she definitely has her place in the story. I will be anxious to see what happens next in the follow-up, The Preacher.
       I received this book free from Free Press for reading and reviewing purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.

    I give The Ice Princess 5 out of 5 stars  

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Where Gabriel Caine Has His Say- Plus a Novel Giveaway

    It is my distinct pleasure to have as my guest today Christine Ashworth. Christine is the author of Demon Soul. She has generously offered a copy of the eBook for giveaway; so be sure to enter for a chance to win after reading her post.

    First off, thank you Eva for having Christine here on your blog. But, uh, she's currently away, searching for her laptop in between cooking for dinner guests. She's not going to find it though, as I've taken it so I can finally have my say. I hope you don't mind?

    Christine and I met at the Nine Hells, a bar in Venice, California. We got talking and somehow I spilled the beans about my family. We're tribreds- we've got demon, human and Fae blood inside us, have had so for generations now. We stand between humanity and living nightmares.

    Christine is documenting all that, so I don't have to get into it here. What I can talk about is what happens when tribeds fall in love, which we do. When we are truly mated, the Fae mating bonds attach themselves to both of us. Rose's and mine are a mingling of blue and violet. It looks like light, but I've held onto those bonds. I found Rose through two floors of destroyed office building through traveling those bonds. They are incredible, but to use them you can't think too hard about it because it's not a logic thing.

    The bad part about a Fae mating? If one partner dies before their true time, the other bonded mate goes crazy. Sometimes they kill themselves. Because once your mated, that's it. There is no other mate for you. As we age, the bond naturally ages too, so that when one of us dies due to natural causes at the end of a long life, the other feels a natural release, not an overwhelming agony. I'm the youngest in the family, and the only one with an acknowledged bonded mate. My brothers are right on the edge, about to fall, but we Caines are stubborn.

    But what I really wanted to say is, ladies, if a man wants to take care of you and make sure you don't get killed, if a man wants to be protective of you, let him. Just be aware that the man wanting to do the protecting might be much more then human! The world is a big and scary place, and the monsters are real. We know you can handle yourself- it's the monsters we don't want you to tackle. So be nice to us overprotective types, okay? We're doing the best we can to let you have your freedom and let me tell you, it totally sucks. We don't like it. Okay, we're control freaks. If we keep you alive, are you really going to complain about a few restrictions?

    You'll be glad for a control freak cuddling you when a demon, or a vampire, comes at you out of the dark. We'll keep you safe, I promise. Just because all the currently single Caines have destinies already mapped out for them doesn't mean there aren't other tribred families out there, men like me just hoping that in all the world there is a mate for them.

    Who knows? You could be one of them

    Okay. I can hear Christine really getting angry about not finding her laptop. I'd better go and confess, and get out while I can. Thanks, Eva, for this chance to talk!

    Gabriel! I am SO going to tell Rose on you! Sorry everyone, this is Christine and I've run out of time, so I have to send Eva what Gabriel wrote. Sigh...damn stubborn tribreds.

    I did want to say that I'm extremely excited about my debut novel, DEMON SOUL, being released from Crescent Moon press by the end of March, 2011. If your going to the Romantic Times conference in April in Los Angeles, I'll be there so look for me! Below is a bit about the book- and if you leave a comment, Eva will pick a winner for an e-copy of DEMON SOUL, so be sure to leave your email address. Thanks so much for coming by.

    You can find me at http://christine-ashworth.com/ or on Twitter@CCAshworth. Happy reading!

    DEMON SOUL Blurb: Gabriel Caine stands on the edge of the abyss. A vampire has stolen his soul and if he doesn't get it back soon, his next step will be into Hell.

    Rose Walters has been sent back from the dead to complete one task-save Gabriel Caine. She's drawn to Gabriel on the most basic level, but restoring his soul might cost Rose her life.

    Rose has touched the whole of Gabriel, making him yearn for a love he believes he can never have. Her willingness to put her human life on the line for him forces him to bring all three parts of himself-demon, human, and Fae bloodlines, and the traps and strengths of each- into harmony, and into the fight that will decide their fate.

    Thanks, Eva, for this opportunity!

    To be entered for a chance to win DEMON SOUL:
    1-Leave a comment in the comment section along with your email address so Christine knows where to email the winner of the book.
    2-The contest will remain open until Wednesday March 30,2011 at midnight EST.
    3-The winner will be announced sometime on Thursday, March 31,2011.
    4-I will contact Christine with the winners name and email so she can send the book.
    5-If no email address is provided, you will not be entered in the drawing.
    6-Everyone is eligible to enter since this is an e-Book format.
    7-You do not have to be a follower of my blog to enter. It would be nice; but it is not mandatory. If you are a follower, it will not increase you chances of winning.
    Thank you all and good luck!

    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    Review of A Borrowed Scot

    A Borrowed Scot
    A Borrowed Scot
    Karen Ranney
    Harper Collins
    ISBN 9780061771880

       The time is London 1866 and the foolish Veronica MacLeod gets herself taken to a meeting of the Society of Mucaii. She hopes to find out more about her "Gift". Little does she know that the society is a group of men out to defile women. Montgomery Fairfax, Lord of Doncaster Hall, is there in disguise and finds himself rescuing Veronica from sure disaster. The last thing he wants to do.
       To complicate matters, he takes her back to her Aunt and Uncle's house, only to have the uncle throw her out of his home. Montgomery is forced to take her in for the night and ends up finding himself arranged to get married to her to prevent sure scandal. The last thing he wants is a wife. She is pleased because she won't be left on the street in complete ruin.
       Veronica tries to get him to open up about his past. He does not want to talk to her or anyone. The only thing they seem to have in common is communication in bed. One thing leads to another and Veronica is able to get him to start opening up to her. Someone, however, wants the Lord dead or so it appears. Can they determine who the person is before it is too late? Will Veronica be able to get Nicholas to care for her?
       This is a fairly enjoyable historical romance with a strong female character. Nicholas is a bit irritating at times and is also rather unlikable when he so chooses. He is a rather brooding creature who makes you want to slap him silly at times. The storyline drags a bit in spots especially when Nick is talking in his mind to deceased family. All in all the story behind it was good. If you like historical romances, you will probably enjoy the story.
          I  received this free as an eBook from the publisher through Netgalley's book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's regulations.

    I give A Borrowed Scot 3.5 out of 5 stars.

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Interview with Author Joshua Blanc

    It is with a great deal of pleasure that I intoduce my guest Joshua Blanc to my blog today. I met Josh through Book Blogs and was given the opportunity to read and review his book. So lets get to the interview.

    Bio: Joshua Blanc was born in Australia and has lived in Canada since 1994. He developed a taste for writing in primary school and started writing science-fiction in his teens. He now writes speculative fiction with a sense of humour, ranging from fantasy to horror to just the plain-odd. His first published short was Death of a Sock Puppet, in 2001. His work has since appeared in several e-zines. Tales of Elves and Trolls: The Crystal Goblin is his first book.
    Joshua is also an amateur photographer and produces electronic music as The Manitou.

    1) Tell us a little bit about your book Tales of Elves and Trolls- the Crystal Goblin.
       It's a novel with a bit of a twist: there are nine stories of varying length in place of chapters. Each story is self-contained to an extent; but as a whole they form a complete narrative. The stories take place in the Elven Realm, where elves and trolls are mortal enemies, magic still exists and you can expect to run into fantastic creatures. The heroine, an orphaned elf girl named Lora, befriends a troll who's turned his back on the warlike ways of his race. This opens up a can of worms, as the saying goes, and their world may never be the same again.

    2) How did it come about and what made you decide on elves and trolls?
       One day while walking in the neighbourhood I noticed some stout willows had been cut down. I'm fond of trees and don't like to see them destroyed wantonly. At the scene was a truck with the words 'tree removers' on the side, and this lead to a story about two trolls who set out to remove a magical tree only to have it turn the tables on them. At about the same time I was experimenting with short stories featuring young girl protagonists. Lora was the culmination of this; she embodied all the character traits I'd been trying to weave together. I paired her up with an imp named Sticky, from the Tree Removers story, and off they went on an adventure. Gradually more stories and characters presented themselves and a book became inevitable.

    3) Is there a WIP? If so, can you tell us about it? Is there a second book to the elves?
       I generally have a short story or two in the works. Right now I'm a third of the way through the second Elves and Trolls book. The first one unfolded as it went along; but this time I have the basic plot mapped out from start to finish. The characters have a way of filling in the details themselves, which is a mixed blessing. I also have a novella I'd like to publish, and I'm adapting some of my stories for audio dramatization. I need three of me!

    4) Have you always wanted to be a writer? If not, how did it come about?
       Writing was something I was drawn to in school. It was about the only school activity I enjoyed-provided I was left to my own devices. English assignments tended to put me off. I was home-schooled from the age of thirteen, and that's when I picked it up again and began thinking about writing as a career.

    5) What or who has had the most influence on your writing?
       Everything I read or watch has some influence. The most important author would be Douglas Adams, with his singular wit and way of playing with language. L. Frank Baum has been a major influence on how I approach writing for children.

    6) What challenges have you faced getting your book published?
       I've found the Canadian publishing industry to be a very limited market. Even small presses publish for a clearly defined niche audience. Basically you are out of luck if your work doesn't fit the mould, and mine doesn't  even know what a mould is! Fortunately, I'm keen to be involved in every aspect of the process, so I published the book myself. There were some things I could have planned better; but it's been a learning experience and I'm proud to be a self-published author.

    7) Do you plan to branch out or do you think you will stick with the fantasy genre?
       Most of my work is speculative fiction, which covers a fair range: fantasy, horror, paranormal, and a little bit of science fiction. There's usually some humour involved but not always. Whatever the genre, it's usually escapist.

    8) What do you do when you are not writing?
       My 'other hobby' is creating electronic music as 'The Manitou.' I do it purely for my own enjoyment; but recently did some soundtrack work which was a great experience. I like to photograph nature, so I spend a lot of time walking in the woods (and avoiding bears). My day job as a renovator gives me relative freedom to pursue my interests.

    9) What types of books do you read? Do you tend to stay with a particular genre or do you like variety?
       When I was a kid, I chiefly read science fiction and a few stand-out authors such as Ronald Dahl. I branched out into fantasy and other genres as I got older. These days I'd say my tastes lie with classics of just about any genre, particularly children's classics. I enjoy humorous fantasy by the likes of Terry Pratchett and Piers Anthony, and also read and collect manga.

    10) How can the readers contact you? (FB, website, twitter, etc.)
       The best way is through my website:
       or through my author page on Facebook:

    I just want to thank Joshua for stopping by my blog today and giving us a look into his life as a writer. Please feel free to comment or ask a question. Just make sure you check back if you ask Josh a question.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Review of The Vampire Voss

    The Vampire Voss (Regency Draculia #1)
    The Vampire Voss
    Colleen Gleason
    Mira 3/23/11
    ISBN 9780778329527
       This is the first book in the Regency Draculia series. In this episode we encounter Voss, Viscount Dewhurst. Voss is one of Lucifer's own who feeds on sensual pleasures and blood. As part of Lucifer, he has been given eternal life; but has also been marked with a talisman on his back that pains unbearably when not doing something that Lucifer wants him to do. Voss is a selfish and self-centered man who stops at nothing to get what he wants.
       Our heroine in this story is Angelica Woodmore who has been blessed with the 'Sight,' depending on whose viewpoint you are looking at. Angelica is not a weak, frail female; but she is not a take charge kind of girl either.
       There is a battle brewing between the Draculia and the Woodmore sisters are bargaining chips so to speak. Voss has taken a fancy to Angelica and her scent and her blood envelops him. Angelica finds Voss attractive and is eager to taste his kisses. What will happen between these two if and when she discovers that Voss is Vampir?
       The story started off very slowly and took some time to get into any action. This made me a little nervous because normally I get grabbed by a vampire story from the very beginning. After the storyline started moving, the pace picked up somewhat; but then part way through the book it slowed down again. This is not your usual vampire story with a lot of action and sexual tension. There was a little romance; but not enough to get the blood heated.
       Sometimes the storyline became a little too wordy and the dialogue coming from Voss'es head was a little too 'hokey.' Changes take place in Voss, as well as, Angelica; but they seem to happen very abruptly. In general, the story was fairly good. If you are looking for a different and unusual vampire story, this one is for you. If you are expecting alot of action and sex with your vampires, you are not going to see it here.
       I  received this free as an eBook from the publisher through Netgalley's book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's regulations.
    I give The Vampire Voss 3 out of 5 stars

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Winner of "Sparkles' book Giveaway

    Congratulations to Donna Godlove for winning 'Sparkles Goes Home for the Holidays.' You will need to give Chris your snail mail address so she can ship the book off to you. Again, I apologize for the glitch in the system. Thank you all who visited and commented.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    Interview and Give- Away with Children's Author Chris Wellings

    It is my pleasure to have as my guest today, Chris Wellings. This is a first for the both of us. This is her first interview on line and this is my first go at a children's book, as well as, my first give away. On that note, let's get started with the interview.

    Bio: Chris is a children's author and worked with kindergarten students everyday for seventeen years. She retired from teaching last June. Chris and her husband lived in Chesapeake, Virginia for thirty years and moved to the sunshine state of Florida after they retired. She has one grown son and two wonderful grandchildren.

    1) What inspired you to write children's books and when did the adventure start?

       My adventure started way before I started writing. My husband and I were Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus for about 22 years. I came up with the character 'Sparkles' because she was an elf from the North Pole and Santa introduced her to the children. I started writing after I played dress up in my classroom when I read to the children. I received such a good response from them that it made me want to do more. While we were out of school for the summer in 1968, my husband and I were traveling. While he was driving, I was writing about a character named 'Sparkles'. I told my husband that I would love to do more with that character.


    2) I know you are on somewhat of an adventure right now. Will you tell us about it and how it came to be?

       This adventure has been in the planning for about five years. Our adventure is 'Sparkle' tours America. We are traveling all over the country to get first-hand adventures for 'Sparkles'. We are visiting schools and libraries everywhere we go. This will help inspire my ideas for new stories for 'Sparkles'. This will also get the name 'Sparkles' out to all the children in the country.

    3) Does someone do the artwork for your books or do you do it yourself? If someone else does it, who?

       My first book is very special to me because the artwork in that book was done by a very talented kindergarten student by the name of Carson. When it was time to do the second book, I asked Carson if she wanted to do the artwork. She said, "Thank you Mrs. Wellings, but I am too burnt out to do another book right now!" After a while, I ran across a neat lady who lives in Cumberland, Maryland to do the artwork. Her name is Julie Kennell. I think we will be together for a long time. She is fantastic.

    4) Are you under contract to write a certain number of books in the 'Sparkle' series? Do you have plans to start another character or another series?

       At this time I am under contract with Publish America with all four books in the 'Sparkle' series. I would like to continue writing about 'Sparkles'. I have thirteen books written at this time just waiting for the illustrator to do her magic.

    5) Have you always wanted to be a writer or was this something that occurred out of the blue?

       You have to understand that I have an imagination that won't quit. I did not know I was going to be a writer; it just happened one day. But, I am glad it did. I love it!

    6) Are there any other projects in the works?

       I just sent my next book to the illustrator for the artwork. The name of the book is 'Sparkles Takes a Train Ride'. This book should be out in the fall.

    7) What has been your major obstacle with your writing?

       Since the conception of 'Sparkles' it has been a long journey finding a publisher to realise my manuscript and developing a plan for the future of 'Sparkles'.

    8) Can your books be found in stores or do we have to go through you to purchase? If so, how and where?

       You may visit Amazon.com to find my books. They should be in local bookstores very soon.

    9) Do you have a website or any way to get additional information?

       The website is under construction from Publish America and should be up and running soon. I can also be found on Facebook under Chris Woods Wellings.

    10) Do you have any plans to branch out with your writing or do you plan to continue with children's books?

       Since we are taking this trip across country, my husband and I are going to write about the trip. Hopefully, one day, this will be a book too and get published. I am going to continue to write about 'Sparkles'; but I am always open to new possibilities. My goal is for 'Sparkles' to ba a household name among young children and their families.

    I want to thank Chris for taking the time out from her hectic travels to share with us today.

    Thank you, Eva for interviewing me. It has been a joy working with you. This has been great fun! This will help to get my name out to all of your readers.

    Chris has very kindly agreed to give away a copy of her newest book, 'Sparkles Goes Home for the Holidays'. Sparkles would like to go back to the North Pole to see all of her friends during Christmas. You will need to read this latest adventure to see if Sparkles can help Santa save the day.

    To enter, you just need to leave a comment and your email address so I can contact you if you win. We will leave the contest open through Sunday, March 20. I will draw a winner on Monday and contact the winner sometime that day. The winner will have forty-eight hours to respond to my email. If I do not hear within that time frame, I will chose another winner. Sorry, but this contest is only open to persons from the United States. This is because of the cost of postage and the amount of time it would require for the postal service to deliver out of the country. The winner will need to email me with their snail mail address. I will contact Chris with the information and she will mail the winner the book.


    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Review of Thank You, God, for Mommy

    Thank You, God, For Mommy
    Thank You God, for Mommy
    Amy Parker
    Illustrated by Frank Endersby
    Thomas Nelson 2011
    ISBN 9781400317173
       This book is absolutely adorable. It is about a Momma Panda and her Little Panda. Little Panda does not think he could find a better mommy anywhere. She has the best smile, loves the little one even with messes, always cares, has great boo-boo kisses, plays goofy games, sings lullabies and even says prayers. No better mommy in the world.
       This is a hard page book that would be ideal for a toddler age child. Amy has written a lovely Christian book for the small child that presents a wonderful message of maternal love between the mother panda and the baby. It also shows the special bond between a mother and a child.
       Frank has illustrated the story with corresponding pictures perfectly matching the story of the mother panda and baby. All illustrations are in full color and bring the story to life.
       I would highly recommend this book for any toddler to help teach the meaning of caring and unconditional love.
       I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze readers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this as required by the Federal Trade Commission.
    I give Thank You, God, for Mommy 5 out of 5 stars

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Review of Memories of You

    Memories of You

    Memories of You
    Bobbie Cole
    Carina Press 2011
    Kindle Edition

       Charlie Vargas is a cold case detective looking for a killer; but she is more concerned with what happened to her lover. he vanished several months ago without a trace after going to Mexico for his job. Charlie gets a phone call from a man with Seth's voice; but she is skeptical. According to the caller, his name is Mason Aldridge and the only thing he remembers from his accident is her phone number. 
       Mason looks nothing like her former lover; but there are some things that are familiar and unnerving about him. The pair connect and they have the FBI and some nasty people following them that want them both dead. Sparks start to fly between Mason and Charlie; but will they survive to see where this entire mess will end?
       I really liked this book alot. I was pulled in from the start and could not put it down. Some of the storyline was rather predictable; but all in all I found it an enjoyable read. In some ways, it may be considered more of a romance; but you have murder, sex, a little humor, cops, FBI, conspiracy and love. I thought the storyline flowed nicely and all the characters fit bringing it to a natural conclusion. If you are looking for blood and gore and lots of murder and mayhem, you won't get it here. If you are looking for a nice afternoon read, I think this will fit the bill. 
         I  received this free as an eBook from the publisher through Netgalley's book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's regulations.
    I give Memories of You 4 out of 5 stars

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    Review of Laird of Darkness

    Laird of Darkness
    Laird of Darkness
    Nicole North
    Carina Press 2011
    ISBN 9781426891
       Half-fae Duncan MacDougall is cursed. While he sleeps, Otherworld creatures are sent to kill him. Needless to say, the man tries to sleep little. The only thing that can save him is a magical bow that is in the possession of his half-brother, Kinnon MacClaren. There has been a feud going on forever so he has to steal it to gain possession.
       Lady Alana Forbes is headed to the MacClaren castle to her betrothed. She has never met him; but hopes he is handsome and a good lover. Lady Alana is no virgin you see. Duncan happens upon her entourage and discovers who and what she is. His plan is to kidnap her and hold her hostage. Lady Alana is furious; but finds Duncan quite handsome and wonders about his ability in the bed chamber. Will they resist each other or will matters become more complicated?
       This is a great little novella that can be easily read in one sitting. I have a soft spot for highland warriors and will read anything I can get my hands on about Scotland. There is just something so sexy to me about a man in a kilt. Top it off with one who has a soft spot for a woman, and you have me hook, line and sinker. This is a story of love, passion, sex and magic. What more can you ask for? Grab a cup of tea or coffee and sit awhile. Take a short trip to the highlands. You don't even have to leave your house. If you love Scotland, highlanders and kilts, you should enjoy this story. My only disappointment was that it was too short.
       I  received this free as an eBook from the publisher through Netgalley's book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's regulations.

    I give Laird of Darkness 4 out of 5 stars

    Saturday, March 12, 2011

    Review of Cowboy Fever

    Cowboy Fever
    Joanne Kennedy
    Sourcebooks Casablanca 2011
    ISBN 9781402251412

       After being gone from her home town after winning the Miss Rodeo Pageant, Jodi Bryce returns to her former home that was left to her after her father died. She returns to make amends with her mother and start up a riding clinic for physically challenged children. As soon as she gets back, she runs  into her childhood best friend Teague. She was not prepared to find her friend changed from what he was when they were growing up.
       Teague has spent the entire time since Jodi left trying to make himself into someone who is worthy of her attentions. He is quite surprised by the change in her and can't believe she is just like she used to be. Teague has made a better life for himself and his brother and has built a life that he can be proud of. Unfortunately, most of the town thinks a leopard cannot change his spots. This includes her mother.
       On Teague and Jodi's last encounter, he told her to leave because she needed to make a life for herself. Even though Jodi has feelings for Teague, she is determined to use him and discard him just like he did her. The score would then be even; but from her first day back in town, sparks are still flying between them.
       This is a wonderful story of love, greed, and mystery that is mixed with humor that had me laughing out loud. Add into the mix a spoiled, blond bimbo who is not wrapped too tight and you can't put the book down. Of course, who can resist a handsome cowboy with a bad boy image. Throw in alot of sexual tension that causes sparks to fly and you have a wonderful story sure to please. This was my first read from Joanne Kennedy and it won't be my last.
       I received my ARC from Sourcebooks to read and review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.

    I give Cowboy Fever 4 out of 5 stars